A.K.A Beanie Weenie
Aug. 5, 1998 to Dec. 29, 2004
I’ll never forget when I picked you up
You were such a little trusting liver nosed red;
Not my liver and tan that I had hoped for, but much more;
You were so precious looking up at me from that over sized create
It was your first night away from home, but not a sound did you make.
Every stop we made along the way you were the center of attention.
WOW! A Bloodhound they would cry with delight.
I’ll miss the way you would make everyone join in with playing ball.
You made me laugh!
You always made sure the ball was good and slobbered on before you would drop it in their laps.
And the way you would kick it in a direction for us to go fetch, just so we could have the same fun as you. You were a wonderful tracker and never missed a dropped clue. You were the best mother I have seen. You will live in my heart forever and through all the many children you have out in the world.
They are doing very good works. Every photo sent me of them is like looking at you all over again.
I will miss you and look forward to the time when we will meet again.
My loving Shannon lost her fight with cancer Dec. 29, 2004
Thank You Pete and Nancy Temple
for sharing your precious little Shannon with me.