Wee Bee Trackin Search & Rescue
Girl Scout Camp 2007
"Career Day 2008"
Great Basin College
Patient Packaging Class 2008
Educating others in
Elko County Sheriff's Posse
Search & Rescue
Rye Patch Search 2008
Copper working the shoreline
Coloring Contest winners 2009
Educating others
Fanny Packs For Life
Elko County Sheriff’s Posse, Search and Rescue (ECSAR) choose Myla and Chilz Negrete as the first place winners for their age groups in a coloring contest held recently at Grammar #2’s Safety Fair.
ECSAR members asked contestants to color ESCAR’s unit patch and winners were to receive a fanny pack, filled with items basic to wilderness survival.
Myla and Chilz met with ESCAR leaders on April 3rd to assemble their fanny packs and listen to the history of the packs and instructions for their use.
The packs are called, “Fanny Packs for Life” by their architect, Janet Childs, who named them in honor of Kathleen Galindo who became lost and was later found deceased in Lamoille Canyon over Memorial Day in 2004.
J. Childs will always wonder if Kathleen’s fate would have been different if she had the knowledge of this training with her. Kathleen’s memory has inspired Childs to provide this information to as many children as possible.
C. Ekburg and J. Childs, the Commander and Deputy Commander of the Elko County Search and Rescue (Posse) on invitation, carry this Fanny Packs for Life program into scouting events and to school aged children talking to them about surviving in the wilderness in the event they become lost and how to optimize their odds of being discovered unharmed.